Tuesday, December 4, 2012

First thing first

I printed samples and dropped them off at four of the local funeral homes on yesterday.  I really don't know how to feel about things just yet.  I'm a little concerned that I wont be allowed the opportunity to provide my services because I feel that people are likely to continue business with those that they've built a rapport with.  My concern is also coupled with the fact that printing alone cost me over $50 for the samples that I provided.  I have never been a gambler and don't like spending money on something that doesn't guarantee a great ROI.  Call me crazy but it is just way too close to the holidays to spend unnecessary money.  I'm just praying that God does have my back on this journey. 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Taking Control

For starters, I haven't written because the hard drive on the computer that I bought a couple months ago is just no more.  My phone's browser doesn't support the site, so that wasn't an option either. 

Next, I was not the most qualified for the position that I hoped to attain.  I've got to say that it really hurt to read the email that broke the news to me.  It honestly took everything in me to keep from crying.  Since I've graduated and received all of these messages that have basically let me know that I'm never qualified, or that someone else is better qualified, I've been feeling very inadequate.  I really don't know how to feel about these constant disappointments.  I will say that I'm tired of not feeling like I'm good enough when I know that I am.  I am very well capable of exceeding the expectations of those that won't give me a chance.

Finally, I've fallen too far behind in my online classes with no computer.  Sure, I could have  used the library that is in walking distance, but that would've been too easy.  Unfortunately, the library's computers don't have the very expensive software required for my courses.  So, that idea quickly left. 

Well, there's the BAD news!!!

On to the beginning that I've created for myself.  I've decided to go ahead with  my idea to offer my services to funeral homes in the area, creating funeral programs.  I've contacted several funeral homes in the area that said that I can drop off my samples and prices.  I'm very excited, and very hopeful that this may be the move that I needed to make.  I will be going to print my samples today, and dropping by the funeral homes tomorrow.  FINGERS CROSSED!!!

In addition to the funeral programs, I've also posted craigslist ads directed towards small businesses offering my Marketing/Advertising services.  We'll see how that goes...With craigslist, you never know. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

More news

So, there was yet another glitch in my big idea- My computer completely failed me!  This unfortunate disaster is no small concern either, I am almost certain that the problem is the hard drive.  There goes my shot at working for myself right now.  ALL of the work that I could have possibly done would've required my computer, and some very much needed software.  There goes my assignments for my online course, that were due today.  And here I go, at my mom's house on my brother's computer because my iPhone doesn't currently have a supported browser to add to my blog.

On a brighter note, I do have a second interview with a great company that I interviewed for on last week.  So that I don't get my hopes up, I have decided to accept that if it is for me, I will get the position no matter what. 

Well, let me get off and try to somehow retrieve all of the info from my computer...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

They've arrived, and I'm not too far behind...

I haven't written since my cards arrived by mail two days ago.  I must admit that I am very excited!  I feel like a kid at Christmas :-)  I'm now asking, 'What do I do at this point?"  As if I didn't already know... I'm going to market myself!  I plan to talk much more about this experience very soon. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Today is...

It has really been one of those days...

The kind of day that you thank God has finally ended.  It's the kind of day that you appreciate once the sun has set, you ball up in the fetal position and you pray that tomorrow will be better. 

Well, let me not be such brat about my day.  It really wasn't all that bad.  I am happy to report that my phone didn't ring much at all today so there was no wishful thinking that it was a future employer.  Is this really a good thing??? I don't know.  Life goes on.  Well, so they tell me.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I got on here to talk about my dream.  But I really don't know how to begin to share it... I'll just keep it to myself for now.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Waiting and Waiting

I have nothing to take my mind off of my phone.  Well actually, my silent phone that doesn't have job offers pouring in. Or better yet, my phone that hasn't received a single interview request.  I've only checked my email 1, 000 times today.  Maybe the 1, 001 time will be the one that says, "We would like to schedule an interview."  This is not an exaggeration at all!  Despite my saying that I plan to work independently, I am still very interested in a regular, full-time opportunity. That is why I find myself so disappointed in the way things are panning out for me. 

In addition to checking my email like a maniac for 90% the day, I've been trying to convince myself that maybe they have attempted to call me, but have been unable to reach me.  Yeah right! But there is actually some logic to this crazy notion...While my are code is the same as the area code of the locations that I am patiently awaiting response from, my cell was actually purchased in a different city.  This means that anyone that wants to call from a land line will actually have to dial the area code + number.  I don't know if this is truly the case, but the possibility does make me feel a little bit better.  Maybe, just maybe, it isn't my experience.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Next steps

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I have decided to hire myself.  I typed my last post and immediately designed my own business card.  I decided to offer my creative services independently.  There was a very minor snag in my plan, but nothing I couldn't find my way around. 

Here's the deal...

A few weeks ago, I volunteered to make the best funeral program imaginable for someone that was very dear to me.  Because her death was very unexpected, there was a lot to take care of in a very short amount of time.  I gathered all of the photos that the immediate family wanted to include, and I began my work.  I took my time to edit the tone and contrast of the older photos, cropped the images, and worked on the perfect layout.  I must say that because I knew her, I thought that it would be rather hard to look at pictures of her past, but it actually helped me in my grief.  I almost felt like I was behind the camera in each of the the shots.  I felt very honored to contribute my time and services to a family that I love in their time of need.  I thought that I did a great job on the funeral program, and apparently so did everyone that attended her service.  This of course ignited my entrepreneurial fire.  I decided that I could create funeral programs. 

So here's the problem that I faced when designing my business cards.  How do I design a business card that will show my design capability, while at the same time remain somber as a means of sympathy towards grieving individuals?  This was something that I definitely had to get around.  I didn't want to limit myself to designing funeral programs, nor did I want to exclude the task either.   I decided to keep the colors to a minimum, but used rounded edges as a means of standing out.  I am really looking forward to my cards arriving next week so that I can hit the ground running.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

From the ground up

So, the last time that I took time to write, things were looking rather hopeful for me.  Currently, I can't say that I feel all that hopeful.  I finally graduated in May with a BA, and am now working on a MFA.  Unfortunately, I am one of those individuals that had everything all lined up, or so I thought.  I planned to land my dream job upon graduation, then start searching for my first home.  Well, neither of those have gone as planned.  I have yet to find myself in the type of career that I had long dreamed of while I was knee deep in my undergrad "career".  I am beginning to think that maybe I should abandon my stubbornness and apply for positions that are not at all related to my degree.  I am the person that always said that I would not get into any field that was not related to my degree, but now I'm not so sure.  I have gotten to that terrible place where I find myself asking if all of the time and borrowed money  was worth it.  I mean, all during high school (and even some of middle school) you hear that you must attend college for better opportunities-better paying jobs, and an advantage over those that do not.  But now, I'm not so sure about that.  I know many that didn't graduate from college and they are currently in a much better position than I am.  Just something that I've been thinking about lately.

On another note...

Instead of me going on and on about what has yet to come my way, I'm going to end this by saying I will be working for myself.  Yes, that is correct.  I have officially hired myself!  Details to follow...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friend?, Enemy? EX!

I can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. What I don't understand is why anyone would want one more enemy in the world. If I had a choice, I'd like to make more friends, well maybe not a friend, but someone that I don't mind dealing with. With that said, I can't put my mind around the idea of someone telling me he loves me (and I'm absolutely certain that he does) but insists on putting me thru agony. Please give me a break! It's been over two years since we've broken up, and you still have a problem with me??? Get over it! But if we can't be friends, I promise I'll lose no sleep.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Skill Set

I wish I could answer this one question that's been troubling me lately:  What does the world want from me? 
Very random, I know.  I'm just trying to figure out what is expected of me.  I mean from possible employers, down to family and friends.  I keep coming up with the same answer, I can only be me.  Either I have what you want, or I don't.  My only concern with this is that more often than not these days, I don't have what is wanted.  At least not by employers.  Well, scratch that, there's actually only one potential employer that I'm referring to.  I'm just amazed by the rejection email that I received.  The final statement read, "While you have a good background, we've decided to move forward with other candidates whose experience better aligns with what we're looking for at this time."  
????  Really????  How hard is it really to pick up a phone for a 6 hour shift and speak with current customers regarding their membership (I'll be good by not mentioning the name of the organization)?  Does it really matter what skill set I have when it comes to this type of job.  I mean, you know that I can talk on the phone because you called me for the phone interview.  I would imagine that I can read a script if needed.  And, I'm pretty certain that I capable of dialing a phone number.   I would love to know the experience that these "other candidates" had.  Maybe they have two heads, which allows them to talk to more than one customer at once.  Sure, that's what it was.  

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Silent heart, but far from silent.
I could hear you all along.
If my heart could beat for us both, it would've.
That's true love, a feeling. A feeling that encompasses everything. A feeling that doesn't require any other sense to be activated.
Always know that you will forever be loved.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Return

Out of site, but hardly out of mind is my dear blog. I've gotten one of the hardest semesters behind me, now ready to face the very last semester, and final course, of my undergrad career. With this before me, and so many things behind me, now is the time for me to become the person that I am meant to be. I have so many great ideas that I plan to explore. See you very soon...