Monday, November 19, 2012

More news

So, there was yet another glitch in my big idea- My computer completely failed me!  This unfortunate disaster is no small concern either, I am almost certain that the problem is the hard drive.  There goes my shot at working for myself right now.  ALL of the work that I could have possibly done would've required my computer, and some very much needed software.  There goes my assignments for my online course, that were due today.  And here I go, at my mom's house on my brother's computer because my iPhone doesn't currently have a supported browser to add to my blog.

On a brighter note, I do have a second interview with a great company that I interviewed for on last week.  So that I don't get my hopes up, I have decided to accept that if it is for me, I will get the position no matter what. 

Well, let me get off and try to somehow retrieve all of the info from my computer...

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