Tuesday, November 6, 2012

From the ground up

So, the last time that I took time to write, things were looking rather hopeful for me.  Currently, I can't say that I feel all that hopeful.  I finally graduated in May with a BA, and am now working on a MFA.  Unfortunately, I am one of those individuals that had everything all lined up, or so I thought.  I planned to land my dream job upon graduation, then start searching for my first home.  Well, neither of those have gone as planned.  I have yet to find myself in the type of career that I had long dreamed of while I was knee deep in my undergrad "career".  I am beginning to think that maybe I should abandon my stubbornness and apply for positions that are not at all related to my degree.  I am the person that always said that I would not get into any field that was not related to my degree, but now I'm not so sure.  I have gotten to that terrible place where I find myself asking if all of the time and borrowed money  was worth it.  I mean, all during high school (and even some of middle school) you hear that you must attend college for better opportunities-better paying jobs, and an advantage over those that do not.  But now, I'm not so sure about that.  I know many that didn't graduate from college and they are currently in a much better position than I am.  Just something that I've been thinking about lately.

On another note...

Instead of me going on and on about what has yet to come my way, I'm going to end this by saying I will be working for myself.  Yes, that is correct.  I have officially hired myself!  Details to follow...

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