Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Skill Set

I wish I could answer this one question that's been troubling me lately:  What does the world want from me? 
Very random, I know.  I'm just trying to figure out what is expected of me.  I mean from possible employers, down to family and friends.  I keep coming up with the same answer, I can only be me.  Either I have what you want, or I don't.  My only concern with this is that more often than not these days, I don't have what is wanted.  At least not by employers.  Well, scratch that, there's actually only one potential employer that I'm referring to.  I'm just amazed by the rejection email that I received.  The final statement read, "While you have a good background, we've decided to move forward with other candidates whose experience better aligns with what we're looking for at this time."  
????  Really????  How hard is it really to pick up a phone for a 6 hour shift and speak with current customers regarding their membership (I'll be good by not mentioning the name of the organization)?  Does it really matter what skill set I have when it comes to this type of job.  I mean, you know that I can talk on the phone because you called me for the phone interview.  I would imagine that I can read a script if needed.  And, I'm pretty certain that I capable of dialing a phone number.   I would love to know the experience that these "other candidates" had.  Maybe they have two heads, which allows them to talk to more than one customer at once.  Sure, that's what it was.  

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