Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Simple Fix

I guess it's only fair to say that no one told me life would be easy.  In my defense, no one told me that life would be so hard. 

I never thought that I would have people in my life that I would consider friends, and more, only to lose them over lies.  To start, I have no respect for liars.  Furthermore, I despise any coward that lies on me.  I look at it this way, if someone can fabricate any lie about you to get your name in trash, that's a person that you most definitely shouldn't be around.  Lying takes effort.  Although it may not always require a lot of effort, it still means that someone thought you were important enough to create some bs story about you, and reveal it.  This person is a snake in the grass- waiting to attack you at any point, inject you with its venom, and leave you for dead.  

There is one solution to the liar's game: Point them out every time, but never run away from them.  Look the liar dead in his face, and squash him!  

There is a liar somewhere very close to you right now, and unfortunately there always will be.  You may not associate with him, but he is fairly familiar with you.  Unfortunately for the liar, he doesn't know you at all.  If he had, he would have hear about your Simple Fix and kept your name out of his mouth!

"The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver wishes to hide. In this sense, truth, even if it does not prevail in public, possesses an ineradicable primacy over
all falsehoods." ~ Hannah Arendt

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